Sunday, December 2, 2007


They made me ride a donkey are you kiddin me!!! I was scared to death. We did the Performance twice the first time went really well. Second time around the donkey took off down a hill. I was trying not to laugh( cause I'm sure mary didn't laugh:)) and then I was really scared.

Ryan walked down to show the all the shepards... The baby Jesus. He was so cute through out the whole preformance he would ask me where he was supposed to go. So I was whipsering the whole time and trying not to giggle.

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Anonymous said...

Wow! That'll get you in the Christmas spirit! Looks like fun! I would be scared to ride a donkey too!! HAHA! It was cool to run into you at the Christmas fair!

RY & MAND WRIGHT said...

It was great to run in to you as well. Your little girl is so cute. So i went on that etsy web sight that is really a cool sight. Thanks for letting me know about it I am hoping to get some stuff on there really soon!!!

RY & MAND WRIGHT said...

Wow I was trying to comment back to Kylee and I think I just commented on my own blog. How Great!!!

Regan and Annie Duckworth said...

Um hello. This is Annie Vandermyde Duckworth. Remember me? You are soooo beautiful. I can't even believe it. I am adding you to my blog. Dang you are cute.

~..kass..~ said...

yes Darren will be home in about 2 wks! I am so excited! SO is Kenton, he asks everyday for his daddy! We had to ship him a package of winter clothes when he got back to AK from Iraq and on our way to the P.O. Kenton asked if we could fit in the box to go and see daddy, it was so cute :)

Emily said...

Cool! How did you get to do that? Landon and I want to go see it sometime before Christmas.

Eric and Sara said...

Hey lady! It is good to see how ya'll are doing. We need to see some new pics of you two! Keep in touch! You can see us at this is sara (hunt) roberts! Hope to talk to you soon!

Lorraine and Kelly said...

You're blog is so cute... and HILARIOUS! That's because you guys are hilarious and I love you so much. I'm so glad I know your blog now so we can keep in touch better. Love you tons.

Regan and Annie Duckworth said...

We went to this one of the nights but I'm not sure if it was you or not. Did you do it every night?

Becky said...

Holy Crap! i can'y belive i came across your blog, and more importatly i can not belive you never told us you had a blog! what the!!! anyways we miss you guys so much. check our blog out,
p.s. mary and joseph never looked so hot!!!