Life in 2012. I am a stay at home mom with 2 beautiful kids. I have the cutest husband who works his guts out. He works at CNS home and hospice care, we run an assisted living together and he owns Crossfit 435. Ry loves to Workout, hang with fam and Sleep. I am in the YWs presidency, love working out, crocheting, and being with my kiddos. Oaks loves swimming, playing with friends, stuffed animals and is such a big helper. Kash is 2 weeks old and loves to sleep and eat:) All the time!!! I am truly blessed with the family I have been given and the Opportunities we have in our lives.
This girl is getting bigger everyday and learning lots and growin' up. She can grab things, laughs a lot, smiles all the time, and is the spit-up princess! She has even learned the new skill of crochet... training starts early! We sure love her and can't get enough of her sweetness!
Oak was blessed by her dad on Nov. 9th and it was such a neat day Mick took this beautiful picture of her and I love it. Mick and Brayd are so amazing thanks guys for always sharing your talent and for taking such greatPictures of our sweet family... We love you oak. Thank you to those who traveled so far to come to our Girls Special Day