Friday, February 29, 2008


In our ward for Valentines Day we had a Party that Saturday night and we played the newly wed game... It was so much fun. RY and I did so good. We smoked everyone there... It was awesome!!! The only one we got wrong was the question? What is the first movie you ever saw together I took that as a couple and he answered correctly with the first time ever watching a movie... He was with another girl and I was with another guy and to make matters even more embarrassing for us at the WARD activity both of our guesses were Rated R... ( I really wasn't embarrassed. But it was funny.... I couldn't believe how well Ry knew all the questions it was a really fun night... That night when we got home we talked a lot about how much we really do know each other... We should we spend every minute we can together... I am so thankful for the husband that I have and how observant he really is Even when he asks like he isn't listening he really is Sneaky Guy he he he ... I love you RY!!!


Anonymous said...


... said...

That is so cute! It doesn't surprise me! You two are so much a like!

~..kass..~ said...

How fun. I am so happy for you that you have someone that fits so well with you. And I also just noticed it is your 1yr today!!! CONGRATS!!!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Way to represent the WRIGHTS!!!

~..kass..~ said...

uh yeah she is VERY nuts and just so you know, if you ever need a good lip stay product. It works wonders! It is still somewhat there :(

Lorraine and Kelly said...

ok ready for a pregnant picture thanks!

... said...

I think you should post some pictures of your cruise! I want to see! And also Mandi you should post some belly pictures! I want to see my new niece!!!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Hey, I was a nuthead when I started my blog over a year ago and put our whole name out there for all the psycho stalkers to know how to reach us! So I tried to get creative and I am changing our website on March 25 to please remember to change it to that so we can continue to keep in touch! Lots of love, Rachelle Kolb

Ashlee said...

Hey Mandi! I found your blog through Mikki's blog. I can't believe you are pregnant, I am so happy for you! Hope you are doing good. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! How are you feeling?? I hope everything is going well and you aren't sick! Let me know what's new!

~..kass..~ said...

hello there. I think it is about time for a new post. maybe one with a prego belly.... just a thought :D