I'm ready for her to come... For all who have been pregnant before they will know what I am going through ... I am now finally getting to that point(which really could be to soon) but I'm ready for her to be here. Nights are starting to get so tough... I'm sweating to death she feels like she is going to pop out of my belly button... I've just eaten thanksgiving and can't get comfortable ever... NO WONDER WE LOVE OUR KIDS SO MUCH!!! With everything you go through HOly Crap!!! Last night for instance... I finally laid down around 10:30, and thought great a good night sleep... Right... Then at 2:30 Ry comes to bed...He tries to snuggle me. Which to him is putting his leg over mine... :) which I immediatley call out you can't do that I'm roasting to death. Then the whining begins. I run into the bathroom where I proceed to drench my hair with water, blow my nose which doesn't help at all it's stuffed and it's staying that way... We have the fan on in our room, Ry is so cute, he's asking all these questions , while running around closing all the vents so all the air is just blowing in our room... Do you need a drink of water? no (whining continues) do you need more pillows? no ( now I'm back in the room kneeling on the floor head on the bed still whining) Drama... Drama... Drama... Did you take unisom? (which supposedly helps you sleep and is ok to use during pregnancy) No!!! I don't know what I need!!! I just want her out!!! he gives me a hug and we climb in to bed.... He is such a trooper (i'm still whining at this point)... Finally I fall asleep... Kind of until you get up five times to pee through out the night...What a joy this is to be Pregnant... Thank you Ryan for always putting up with me and loving me through it all. And how sad that this is just preparing us for when she does get here and wants to eat every two hours... To Bad Ry's nipples don't work the same as mine!!! Ha ha
I feel so bad for you, and I am sure the St. George weather is not helping you at all!!! I jsut can't wait until I have another neice!!! You will be the best mom!!! Love ya! By the way we totally miss you guys!!!
I can totally relate and sorry to say but it doesn't get any better until she does come out. . . and then it's a whole new story! You are so cute though I'm sorry!
Isn't it fun LOL. Kenton was sitting so high in me he broke a rib. Also while pregnant with him our air went out in July while darren was on a Vita Mix trip, I thought it was going to be a ton of money so I just dealt with it for a few weeks. But once I got the epidural I was out cold for a few hours... I hadn't slept and needed it. Good Luck you are almost there!!
Kelly and I are cracking up right now. He is so glad that atleast you realize what the husbands go through and I'm glad that you realize as bad as it is now it's still nothing compared to when the baby gets there. You are so smart and will be the funniest, cutest and best mom ever.
I'm sorry you have to be pregnant in the summer! No worries...as soon as the baby comes out you will forget everything you've been going through. (Old friend of Ryan's and Krystal...you guys are an adorable couple!)
Mand - Hey I need your help. I added that live feed thing to my page but I can't figure out how to use it! HELP ME.
Ry is hilarious! I love that he cuddles the same way I do!
I'm sorry that you can't get cooled down though...there is nothing worse! and I feel you pain!
Ditto on the nipples not working the same...wouldn't that have been genius of the man upstairs!
Hey this is Andrea Wilks (mahoney) Long time no see! and yes I am a blog stocker, but i just wanted to give you the heads up on the unisom it rocked my world when I was pregnant and it is not habit forming so in my opinion indulge you will not be getting much sleep from now on anyway! Good Luck and Congratulations!!!
oh ya labor is great lol and yes I am WELL aware of how amazing that picture of me is, so happy my mom and grandma were snapping away at that very moment :)
Sorry Im such a bad blogger, I just saw your comment and I would love to come to your shower!
1280 W. 750 N. St. George, UT. 84770
or you can just call me 619-2032
Hi, it's kara, Sorry! It's not fun at all sometimes. It's all very fresh on my mind still...I haven't forgotten and I don't think I will anytime soon, so don't count on that either. But what you are feeling is totally normal! Hopefully you don't go over like me and call Todd bawling every day. I really think I was depressed those five days. If you need to chat or need a friend to vent to CALL ME! I'm here for ya!
Happy birthday Mandi! I found your blog through Mikki's and figured it would be your birthday today as well, ha ha. Hope you are feeling better!
Hey girlie sorry I couldn't make it to your Baby Shower but I had some one make a appointment a couple of weeks in advance! the same timme the shower was. BUT I really wanted to go sooo BAD just so I could see all of the cute Ward girl+your mom!!! I'm sure it was fun. I'll breing the gift on sunday!:) sooo mad I couldn't come!!:) talk 2 you later!!
Hey Mandi,
Rachel Goodwin here. I found you from Mikki's blog and I have to say that you look gorgeous pregnant and congrats!!! I am super excited for you and I know you will be an awesome mom. As for the last trimester all I can say is hang in there! It is the worst and the summer heat doesn't ever help, but it will all be worth it in a few weeks!!! I can't wait to see pictures of her. Good luck with everything!
Mandi you looks fabulous and you and Ry are going to be awesome parents with a sooo cute baby!
You are almost there! Yay!
Oh you are so close! Good luck I hope sooner than later for your sake! I cannot wait to see your beautiful baby!
Mandi!!! You are so close to having little Oakleigh! I'm so excited for you!!!! I can't wait to meet her.
Mandi! I'm so sorry...plus it's summer! I can't even imagine all that plus the heat! You're almost there...hang in there it's totally worth it...I promise! P.S. I hope that you don't mind if I add you two to our list on our blog...
hey congrats on the baby! thats so exciting!!!
You look too cute! I am so excited for you. Good luck and enjoy every minute that you can fall asleep right now, that will defintely change.
Congrats! I heard you had your little 8lbs 13oz bundle of joy this morning! I can't wait to meet her...congrats again you two!
Congrats! I heard you had your little 8lbs 13oz bundle of joy this morning! I can't wait to meet her...congrats again you two!
Congrats little mama!!!
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