MeEt OuR SwEet OakLeigH BuG

Meet Oakleigh... Our sweet girl is the cutest thing ever today she turned 7 weeks. She is full of cute noises lots of cooing, laughter, and she tries so hard to talk to us. It just melts our hearts. It is amazing and we love it!!! Motherhood is the greatest experience ever- I would not trade where I am at in my life for anything. I have the best, most supportive husband who by the way is so cute to watch with Oakleigh it is so sweet how protective he is of her, for example when we went to her two week appt. they had to prick her foot and she was crying so hard and Ry looked like he was going to knock the nurse out he was pissed that someone was hurting his little girl, i have the sweetest daughter who is healthy and so strongand a total light in our lives. I have a great job that I love, but am so torn that I have to leave my Oak for a few hours three times a week arrgh!!! hopefully not for to much long. Life is good I'm in a great place right now. Mick took these pictures she always does such a great job... But Oakleigh just makes these pictures just so darn cute... Here's the Wright Family... SO Far :)
You are so pretty!!!!! And Oak is darling. Way cute pictures. I want to see you so bad.
cute cute fam, your baby is adorable, we almost had an oakleigh. i need to be related to your sister for the pics :) what is your business??? i am curious, and want to be on the same path :)
Your family picture is adorable. She has gotten so BIG. I miss you so much Mandi, but I totally know where you are coming from with not wanting to leave Oakleigh. Love ya, Tonya
Mand!! I am so happy to see these amazing pictures. Your family is amazing and SO cute! Thank you SO much for your kind words and encouragement. It definitely is a challenge, but one amazing calling in life. Thank you for your example and for the love that you have shown me. I miss all the good times we used to have, and love you and your family SO much. I will surely keep you posted on what is's hard to keep up with the blog but I will try to keep it updated! love ya!!
She IS so darn cute! What a cute family you've got on your hands!
Yeah for pictures! She is so dang cute! I wish I had a girl to dress up in frills and bows! Congrats on the cute family!
Love the pictures! I am so excited for you and your cute little family!
She is adorable! And you look awesome. What a cute family
I love these!!! She is a doll! What a un stage
hey there i came across your blog and wanted to say hi! oakleigh is adorable how fun!
Mandi, it was so good to see you the other day! Your little family is so cute, and Oakleigh is adorable!!
Congrats Mandi! This is a little late but I just came to your blog and read your sweet post from before. It is so exciting to think about how amazing the experience of childbirth is! I'm so glad that you guys are doing good! She is such a sweetie. I am so happy for you.
Mandy! Oakleigh is so super cute!! I am so excited for your guys and totally loved the update!
Love the pictures, love the pictures, love the pictures!! My niece is pretty darn cute!! Keep up the good work. I have a reputation.
Love ya
Hey! im so glad i found your blog! i LOVE your lil family pics, They are sooo cute!! and oakleigh is soo adorable! thats awesome that your starting a business.. what is it gonna be about?
You guys are so freakin adorable...I am so glad that your baby looks so much like her of course! hahaha...I cant wait to meet her! Miss you guys like crazy!
I just had to drop in and tell you I think that your daugher is ADORABLE!!!!! hope all is going well with you both!!!
Hello! I love you blog! What a precious baby girl! Yes, she does look like her daddy, but a very girly version! Tonight is my very first night even being signed on to our blog, it took me forever to figure out how to find you! Eventually after some training I will start to update and make it my own! I hope all is going well, love you!
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