Tears are streaming down my face as I write this post today. My heart is filled with Love, pain, heartache, confusion, and peace. I received a text from Krystal Deytons mom while I was out for my morning run on Tuesday that there son was coming that day. I was so excited for them. If any one knows Krystal and Derek they are two of the neatest, strongest, and greatest individuals I have ever met. Krystal is the best mommmy and Derek the Proudest dad as you can see in this picture of Derek and Deyton below. He was born on Tuesday night and he weighed 8 lbs 6 oz. and IDENTICAL TO HIS DADDY. Kiss didn't have any medicine or anything while delivering him. That is unbelievable to me. We wished we could have been there. I received a call from Ryan on Wed saying that Lisa would be calling in a minute with worry in his voice. I quickly became concerned and he shorty explained that Deytons heart had not been fully developed and that they were life flying him up to Primary Childrens Hospital. He hung up and Within seconds Lisa called and explained it to me a little more in detail. My heart broke. I began to sob and then pulled it together so that Ry and I could say a prayer for Deyton and his mom and dad. We felt Helpless as we are so Far away in Dallas. We got tickets and headed to the Airport. We were flying stand by and we were bumped off of so many flights it was so discouraging Thursday passed and then We tried again the following day. I just knew how important it was for Ry to get to Utah to support is Little Sister. I Kept praying and praying that we would get on a flight. We finally made it to Utah and to the Hospital. We imediatley went in the room to see them. Kiss and Ry embraced and I went over to hug Derek and he looked me in the eyes and said this is my BOY. I lost it.... It sure is Derek. What a proud dad. We sat there for a while and chatted and were given more details there were two choices one a heart transplant, which wouldn't guarantee anything he would probably spend his whole life in the hospital or they take him home and enjoy every minute that they had with them. That night at 9:00 they gave him a name and a blessing. I have never listened and been present for a stronger blessing. Derek was very in tune with our Heavenly Father. They decided to take Deyton home. What a hard decision but it was so right and you could feel that in the room. We stuck around until about midnight and then went to the hotel. The next morning we went back and they were getting him already to go home. You could tell on Derek and Krystal's faces just how at peace they were and excited that they were taking their little tough guy home. They arrived home in St. George with a welcome sign and balloons and family there to greet them. They go to bathe him and took pictures he got to be in his room. Ry and I had to split and he went down to St. George and I came back here to get things taken care of and so this morning I was at the Airport about to get on the airplane and Ry called saying not to get on the plane and to come to St. George. I didn't know what to do but I felt like I should come home and then go back when things were taken care of here. When I arrived home I called Ry and Deyton had been fighting for his life. Kiss and Derek just kept repeating to him that it was ok to go home. He went home to Our Heavenly father at 11:10 this morning. I completely broke down at the airport. Derek, Kiss and Deyton. I want you to know how much Ry Oak ad I love you guys. Thank you for your example and strength. For your testimonies and your unwavering faith. I can just imagine those that were there to greet him. He came to earth to do what he needed to. To gain a body and Return to our Heavenly Father. I'm sure he is telling everyone how wonderful it was and what incredible parents he has. Thank you Deyton for being a light in our lives. WE LOVE YOU. LOVE YOUR UNCLE RYAN AND MANDI AND COUSIN OAKLEIGH