Oaks is not sleeping it has been going on for sometime and I have about had it...
She wakes up at around 4 am and just wants to cry and cry all night long... What do I do? and if i console her it only makes it worse...
She is getting teeth but I think it's now just out of habit because when I go get her after hours of screaming and me getting no sleep nor Ry either she stops the minute I pick her up? Any suggestions what to do? Cause I really need sleep...
3 days ago
Reed was doing that too when he was getting teeth. After they came he still was waking up at the same times. So we asked the doctor and she said that its because their internal clock thinks they need to get up that time so she said to just give him a little benadryl (like 1/2 teaspoon) so it helps them not wake up and resets their little clock. Hope that helps.. It worked for us!
I would rub a little baby orajel on her sore teeth and give her a little tylenol and gradually she will get used to sleeping. Good luck! I do suggest not taking them out when they cry cause then they do think that mom or dad will save them every time they cry, of course on some occasions when they just won't stop take em' out. Sometimes when my kids wake up at night and won't go to sleep I just snuggle with them and watch cartoons and eventually they fall asleep.
its a hard one, all kids are different, you could try teething tablets, they are homeopathic and have chamomile in them, helps gavin sleep better with teethers . . . good luck!
all three comments are good along with them though i would adjust bed time a bit. Get lavendar soap and bathe her in that then i would wash her crib sheets and pajamas with a lavendar wash. Walmart has a really good one its yummy! I would try homeopathic meds first then go to the others. I know that some docs lately have been advising against giving any tylenol or benadryl. I think its fine as along as you dont give more then they recomended. Hope that helps love ya!
I just went through this 2 weeks ago. BabyWise suggests on checking on them when they cry so they don't feel abandoned but to extended the length between each visit. If she cries and you go in after 10 minutes, next time you go in after 20, then 40. I have NEVER had to go in past 20. The first night of "retraining" is the worst. Remember that! You know all of this but heres my little reminder of how to get things back to normal.
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